Leaving Enough to Imagination
In the world of fashion, both men and women are confronted by situations in which they have to make fashion choices that can impact how others perceive them.
Generally, females are stuck between two significant situations: Revealing too much skin or leaving it up to imagination. So, what is the fine line between being tasteful versus revealing too much skin? Does sexy really means exposing your skin to the public? And how much is too much?
Our first instinct when we want to look sexy is to wear something shorter, tighter, with a lower-cut neckline. This has become a common impulse. In fact, it is possible to dress flirtatiously without wearing something overly revealing. It’s not about how much skin you show, but rather how you cleverly accentuate your most appealing features. Any women can do it just by following those easy steps: show just enough cleavage to be alluring, dress your age, add make-up only to enhance your natural beauty, limit accessories and emulate femininity. Avoid revealing clothing like ultra-short shorts, skirts or dresses, exceptionally plunging necklines and items which look more like lingerie. They also know how to style footwear. So, as the weather gets warmer and the layers start to shed, keep it cool, elegant and classy, cover up a bit and let the imagination work its magic.
“Classy is when a woman has everything to flaunt, but chooses not to show it.”
Always remember, that revealing too much skin can interfere different areas in your life. Besides, making other people uncomfortable, that will limit valuable life opportunities, including jobs, friendships and relationships. Sure, you might get a fair bit of attention, but you need to aim for positive attention to ultimately get the best out of life.
Between showing the world that they are fit and trying to fit in clothes that are too small and too tight to show your muscles. Men struggle to decide between their comfort and their need for attention, they forgot that clothes should flatter the person’s body shape, his skin tone, his hairstyle, his eye color and most importantly his personality.
The key to it all is identifying your body shape and learning how to enhance it by wearing clothes that fit right for you. Understandably, in your casual wear you’ll want to show off the muscles you’ve worked so hard to sculpt. The trick is to not over-do it and knowing your body type can help you to draw attention to your best features and divert attention from the features you're not so proud of.