Fast and Furious Fashion
As more and more awareness about practices that go into the making of fast fashion product lines spread, more and more consumers become skeptical.
Whilst a certain nationalism seeps through that encourages to buy locally produced fashion brands to have employment opportunities for the entire supply chain within the country, a lot of young consumers seem to be buying into this logic and really going after local labels for their fashion fix.
The effect of fast fashion is perceived to be as disastrous on the environment. The more environmentally conscious consumer that makes up a fair part of this generation, refuses to partake in anything that is harmful to the environment and thus refrains from buying anything from the world of fast fashion and instead chooses to go with sustainable and eco-friendly labels.
Overall, the world of fast fashion is in danger if they do not alter their ways to meet the perspectives their target consumer holds. It is truly a matter of abiding with the values of today’s times to garner a customer base that respects the ethics enforced by influential fast fashion brands.