Never say you don’t have enough money to make you dress like a millionaire. You want to make a positive impression with your clothes so you copy the millionaire’s style and try to figure out their wardrobe secrets. But you will notice that most of these millionaires like to dress simple attires.
Read MoreNo one wants to experience a breakup, but in life, a time will come when you will face such a challenge, and tough decisions have to be made. Once in a while, you may bump into your ex, maybe at a mutual friend’s party or in a mall, or your ex may get to see you in town running some errands. What type of image do you want to portray to him/her?
Read MoreWe all want to dress in a great way, look good and stylish in every outfit that we put, but sadly we have to sacrifice our comfort to achieve this goal. And sometimes going for comfy items has nothing stylish to it.
Read MoreYoung adults are the most fashion-conscious people on the planet, going to the extremes of using fashion as a determinant of what they perceive as their real identity. They give priority to what they wear so much so, that any internalized negative body image drastically impacts their daily life.
Read MoreAre you looking for a way to make your appearance and overall demeanor to look smart and stylish? Well, you definitely can achieve that, by dressing accordingly and show it through your personality and behavior.
Read MoreThere are certain styles and clothes associated with success which will play a great role in acing whatever field you’re going for. Dressing for success may seem cliché, but it’s benefits have been reaped by every professional out there.
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